Thursday, July 30, 2009

How sad can it be that nobody in the whole universe knows that this blog exists? Well, it's incredibly sad, so sad in fact that this is pretty much just a diary that is open to the whole world and the world just doesn't care. I find that so sad that nobody in the thousands of millions of people in the whole world doesn't read this.

I don't mind though, cuz i think this is kinda cool. Im going on a vaykay at the end of this week and am going to ride on a train; now isn't that exciting? I am excited for being in Monteray Bay, I may live in Colorado, but we became members of the aquarium.

I dyed my hair purple, but bleached it first and for one day, one day it stayed purple. It is now pink and going to just blonde. I have really no more ideas for blog posts, but i don't mind the fact that i will be repeating things, cuz you're the one that has to read them.

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