Thursday, July 30, 2009

How sad can it be that nobody in the whole universe knows that this blog exists? Well, it's incredibly sad, so sad in fact that this is pretty much just a diary that is open to the whole world and the world just doesn't care. I find that so sad that nobody in the thousands of millions of people in the whole world doesn't read this.

I don't mind though, cuz i think this is kinda cool. Im going on a vaykay at the end of this week and am going to ride on a train; now isn't that exciting? I am excited for being in Monteray Bay, I may live in Colorado, but we became members of the aquarium.

I dyed my hair purple, but bleached it first and for one day, one day it stayed purple. It is now pink and going to just blonde. I have really no more ideas for blog posts, but i don't mind the fact that i will be repeating things, cuz you're the one that has to read them.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My mom is making me swim with my year round swim team, and that just makes me sad because there is such a thing as too much at one time. On the bright side, I only have one day left of school. I am totally gaining too much weight, so I am totally going on a diet and it will work out very well, because I will make it work. I know that that was really up close and personal, but I have nothing else to say.

Something else that makes me sad would be that nobody else but me knows about this blog, but that is okay with me right now.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I just found this cool website. It's kindof like myspace but better. I feel so lonely because the only people I can really talk to are over the internet. I'm also sad because I don't have any followers. That might change though, so I'll just keep writing things until I'm noticed.

I baked two cakes today and made my own cream cheese frosting, it was goood. I also chatted with a bunch of people in an online chat thingy. I would have to say that it was a very productive day. I'll give you the name of the cool website sometime.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Snow is gross, uck. All of the schools were cancelled except for my school, I was pissed! I also had to walk to school and walk home, I was drenched by the time i got home. Like I said yuck. Even though snow it gross and yucky it still looks really pretty; from a far away distance.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

I don't even know what to type on a blog. I mean, is it just random stuff, or a reflection on what we did today? Or is it like an online diary that people read? I have a feeling that it's like something in between which doesn't really make any sense, because their pretty much the same thing.
I hav always loved rainy days, and today was almost one. I would love it if my school wasn't so blah. This guy keps on shoving me and invading my personal space, and everyday he does this. You know sometimes I would like to have no burises. It's not really abuse though, because I know that he doesn't want to hurt me, he's just trying to bug me, and it works. Plus I bruise like a peach.